Wellness Programs That We Offer
Massage and Certified Bodywork
Very qualified Massage Therapist's and Certified Bodywork that are professionally trained and Board Certified through IMF and ABMP, RBC. Offering full range codywork techniques from Touch Pressure Release, Reflexology, Lymphatic Drainage, Gua-Sha, Craniology, Polarity, Acupressure, Emotional Release.
$80.00 per session
$300.00 per 4 sessions
$450.00 per 6 sessions
Darkfield and Dry Cell Testing:
Specially trained for darkfield and live cell testing and review.
$80.00 per session
Professionally trained Wellness Coach's utilizing the biofeedback techniques that are recorded from a response through frequencies. Use of laser acupressure.
$120.00 per session
$300.00 per 3 sessions
$700.00 per 8 sessions
Mini Scan:
Quick vibrational scan.
$70.00 per session
Use of biofeedback changing allergy patterns.
$80.00 per session
$225.00 per 3 sessions
Specialized Consultant, performing eye readings and review, which includes a large photo picture of eyes.
$80.00 per reading and photo
Oxygen (O2) Bath:
Placed in large bag full of oxygen
$20.00 per session.
$50.00 per 3 sessions
Auric Reading:
Specialized Consultant for energy point reading.
$35.00 per session
Qualified Mediator Consultant, teaching 12 consciousness levels, de-mesmerize, energy reading, dowsing, memory course.
$200.00 per 4 sessions or taught as class with group
Call For Appointment: 248-473-0624
Treehouse For Earths Children – Rev. Christine Meinke Ph. D, D.P.Sc
22906 Mooney St.
Farmington, MI 48336

Darkfield and Dry Cell Test