About Us
The Tree House is a Holistic Health Center! Focusing on making the world a Healthier place one person at a time.
The Treehouse is an organic health food store that has been in business for over 25 years. Our staff is very knowledgeable and has over 40 years of experience. As well as being a first rate health food store, we are a group/community that is working together on all levels, bringing true knowledge together so that it can be used successfully for free-thinking, functional doers and achievers to restore the environment
and ourselves.

Heal ourselves so we can heal our World!
Check out some of the programs we offer
Call For Appointment: 248-473-0624
Treehouse Wellness Programs Are you interested in our Holistic Services? Learn about Christine, the wide range of services and the Wellness programs that we offer. PWA Directory: Christine Meinke - Hermatyk Alkmeyst Check out profile on Pastoral Wellness Association Directory.​
Call Today!
Feel revitalized as if you are drinking mountain spring water!
Ask for a free sample today!

We are seeking people who are interested in helping us with tasks needing to be done. Just 1 hour a week would be greatly appreciated.